Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Are habitats such as Quivira and Halona based on real designs?
Answer: There are many designs for habitats in space. Most famous is ideas by Princeton physicist Gerard K. O’Neill who outlined plans in the High Frontier.
A useful summary of design suggestions is listed by Reid Friedson in his article "Space Habitat Design Models." I found the ideas of Nitin Arora, Ankur Bajoria, and A.L Globus useful.
Question: Can babies be incubated in space, as in the story?
Answer: Some doctors think lab-grown babies might be a reality within a few years. See https://www.earth.com/news/lab-grown-babies-revolutionary-science-or-ethical-disaster/
Question: Can regolith be used for building?
Answer: Using resources found in space to construct off-world structures can drastically reduce the need to transport building materials for programs like Artemis. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20170002067/downloads/20170002067.pdf